Finding the Best Twirly Skirts for Dance

Finding the Best Twirly Skirts for Dance

Tags: Guides Style tips

There's nothing quite like dancing in a skirt—and it's not just for women. Men can make the dance floor more fun for themselves and anyone watching. Robert Hickman and Louise Siddons break it all down in their comprehensive guide:

A gender neutral guide to twirly skirts for contra dance

Not all skirts are created equal when it comes to dance. The authors get into key factors like fullness, length, fabric type, and weight. For example:

Long skirts made out of lightweight fabrics can become tangled between your legs

The section for skirt 'fullness' includes specific skirt recommendations—circle, godet, gathered, pleated, kilts—and why you might choose one over another.

Relative to the other options, both pleats and gathering can significantly inhibit flare, and a pleated skirt will generally be less ‘flowy’ than a gored or circle skirt

You'll learn many other tips, from acquiring skirts and choosing the rest of the dance outfit, to considerations for others on the dance floor.

While the article focuses on contra dance where gender-neutral skirts have been normalized since the 80s, the insights apply to many other styles. If you're looking to twirl, give it a read:

Tags: Guides Style tips

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