Men don't know what they're missing

Men don't know what they're missing


This is a fantastic article by Phineas Harper about men's skirts – why they're inherently feminist, practical, expressive, and fun:

The Guardian: So you’d never wear a skirt in public? Men, you don’t know what you’re missing

Modern menswear is too often a parade of gloomy conformity, produced by an industry that contemptuously sees male shoppers as predictable and dull.

It also gets into some of the history and taboo of skirts for men and pants for women. 

Skirts are practical, expressive and, when worn by men, mark a small step towards gender equality no less valuable than women’s long-fought battle to wear trousers.


Photo credits above, left to right: Istvan Virag / @keziaharper @peterarkleybloxham / @keziaharper; Alberte Lauriden


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