We simplified our logo. In most instances, you'll only see the text version, and in smaller places, you'll see our skirt icon logo. The latter is now more adaptable and flowy (like fabric). It's also not prescriptive of colour, and looks a bit less like a cape!
Video here (click to the right and play with sound):
Our new Start Here menu item gives men a straightforward set of guides and other links for getting into skirts.
Find it in the main navigation or visit:
Our new Start Here menu item gives men a straightforward set of guides and other links for getting into skirts.
Find it in the main navigation or visit:
An amusing ad from Glenmorangie single malt whisky is making the rounds. Ford's reactions seem to come from a real western man being asked to try on a kilt for...
An amusing ad from Glenmorangie single malt whisky is making the rounds. Ford's reactions seem to come from a real western man being asked to try on a kilt for...