Schoolboys protest no-shorts dress code

Schoolboys protest no-shorts dress code

Tags: Culture Dress codes Story

Schoolboys in Devon, England, were unhappy with pants during the warm weather, so they found themselves some skirts which dress codes did allow.

One boy, along with his classmates, opted for skirts because the policy prohibited shorts, despite the greenhouse-like classrooms. His protest has gained media attention, prompting the school to consider revising its uniform policy.

The student who initiated the protest, explained,

"We complained to the teacher and she said you could wear a skirt if you want, jokingly... but a few of us took it seriously."

One student shared a learning experience: "When you sit down your thighs just touch the seat... it's a very common problem."

We’ll see if the appeal of skirts lasts, even if shorts are eventually allowed.

Boys wearing skirts to protest sexism is gaining global traction. Similar movements have emerged in the last 10 years, including one in France where male students started an anti-sexism campaign called 'Lift the Skirt':

Some school dress codes are now beginning to loosen their restrictions. A high school in Taiwan introduced gender-neutral uniform policies in 2019, after a campaign to educate students on breaking down gender stereotypes (see Taiwanese School Allows Boys To Wear Skirts).

Tags: Culture Dress codes Story

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This experience is repeated regularly around the world. I would be interested to know if the dress policies change, if the boys are ever allowed to wear shorts, and if so, whether they continue to opt for skirts.


this is awesome, it’s about time that men and boys start wearing skirts. I think it’s great that it makes the extreme right wing uncomfortable


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