Weekly Drop-in Group Underway

Weekly Drop-in Group Underway

Chip Palmer

Tags: Community

The Skirtonians Weekly Drop-in group started in January 2025 and alternates between Mondays and Wednesdays. Sign up below ⤵

What is it?

A weekly video call to connect, face to face. Together, we'll share insights, challenges, and strategies around owning your style. Guest speakers may join us, but most sharing will happen naturally—if and when you feel like it.

Let's talk skirts, self-expression, and everything that comes with it.

  • Who it's for: Men and anyone exploring style beyond traditional masculine norms
  • When: Alternates weekly between Mondays and Wednesdays; drop-in anytime for any session (~1 hour)
  • How: Online video call through Facebook's Messenger app
  • Language: English
  • Cost: Free
  • Host: Chip

How to join

Add your info here and I'll send over a link to join the group chat where video calls will happen:

If you can't see the fields above, sign up here.

Tags: Community

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Hi @Sean – thank you for the kind words, and encouragement!

Glad you took the first step and told your wife and son, and funny that he thinks you’re just losing your mind 😂. It doesn’t surprise me you’re now gravitating to lighter skirts. I would try those at home and start wearing the kilts out of the house, if it’s safe.

You definitely don’t need skirts that are labeled for men or gender neutral, at least fitting-wise—most work for any body type. With online shopping, you can often tell if the skirt’s tailored with a larger hip-to-waist ratio, but this is not the norm, in my experience.

Thrift stores are a great option, with a huge variety of skirts. I have a guide on this too: https://everybodyskirts.com/blogs/posts/how-to-thrift-skirts-as-a-man

The video calls are in group format—we have an ongoing chat, and at specific times of the week I call the group chat, and anyone can join into the call, and anyone can participate by answering questions. Each meeting has been around 6-8 people so far. They’re an hour long, sometimes less. Right now, these are the times (though daylight savings changes might affect this:

Mondays: 11am-12pm EST / 4-5pm GMT / 5-6pm CET
Wednesdays: 12pm-1pm EST / 5-6pm GMT / 6-7pm CET



Good afternoon.

I have to tell you that your website, blogs and social media sites (as well as Beskirted) have been like manna from heaven. I’ve been yearning to wear skirts for several years now. But I haven’t been able to tell my family about it. And your blogs, tips and stories have helped me build up more self confidence instead of feeling lost.
About two years ago, I built up the courage to tell my wife about this “desire” and she was surprisngly OK-ish with it. So, she agreed to buy a couple of kilts (which she did). My son just thinks I’m old and losing my mind :) I’ve been wearing the kilts quite a bit. But never off my property. However, I want to try something lighter and different for now. Perhaps a little shorter and lighter than a kilt. But I cannot find a single vendor here in South Africa who sells gender neutral clothing. I’m fairly large. 110kg. Not fat. Just big (my wife would disagree). Thrifting is an option, I suppose. So, I’ll have to venture into those stores some time. I’m already feeling apprehensive.

Anyhow, back to my real query. I understand that you have regular video calls using Messenger. Are they one on one calls? Or conference type calls where interactive discussion happens between all the attendees. You also say to drop in at any time. Does that mean they’re full day events, or are there set times you have these sessions?
As I’ve already said, I live in SA and so our times are very different to yours. I’d have to arrange my evenings a little differently if I attended your sessions.

Thanks a lot.

Kind regards.



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