Wenn es jemals ein Zeichen dafür gab, dass die Kleiderordnung für Männer gelockert wird, dann ist es die beunruhigende kollektive Intelligenz der KI.
Es war schon immer schwierig, KI dazu zu bringen, einer Frau eine Hose anzuziehen, ganz zu schweigen von einem Mann einen Rock. Doch nun scheint sie dies unaufgefordert zu tun:
(Wenn Sie nicht sehen, was wir gesehen haben, bedeutet das, dass die Bilder entfernt wurden.)
Zwei Bilder weiter unten auf der Seite sehen wir ein paar gut aussehende Absätze – und sind das Fußkettchen?
Das vierte Bild zeigt einen Powersuit mit Rock und mehrere Personen, die selbstbewusst und unsicher aussehen:
Wir sagen nicht, dass dies unbeabsichtigt war. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass das geheime Endziel dieses Softwareunternehmens darin besteht, Männern unterschwellig die Freiheit in Sachen Mode zu verschaffen.
Es ist durchaus plausibel, dass sie einen Illustrator engagiert haben, der in diese tristen, konservativen Bilder etwas geschlechtsnonkonformen Spaß einfließen lässt – zusammen mit ein paar zusätzlichen Fingern und Händen, während er gleichzeitig nachdenklich auf die Tatsache hinweist, dass nicht jeder zwei Beine hat.
Heh, wow – you caught so many more things. It’s almost like the illustrations were meant to be a ‘how many errors can you spot’ game. We haven’t even announced the prize yet 😅
Fun things to find in the pictures:
Man in a skirt.
Man with women’s legs, pants, feet, and heels.
Man with two white left hands and one black right hand. (Several people appear to have hands from different races, but the intent might have been shadows.)
Man with lady legs wearing pants under a skirt.
Woman with one heeled shoe and one (mens?) shoe and sock.
Woman with two different kinds of shoes (no socks).
Woman with at least part of a third leg.
Man with three pants legs, but only two feet.
Chairs floating above their bases.
Happy woman sitting on top of a wall with no obvious way down while the screen says, “Alert”.
Woman with one leg (at least two of these).
Feet in heels seen under a desk, but no one is attached to them over the desk.
Woman with a man’s lower half.
Woman with one man leg and one woman leg (sitting down).
Why style words matter and how to find yours (with examples). Plus, browse our 150+ adjective Style Word Bank—the most comprehensive one out there, curated with men in mind.
Why style words matter and how to find yours (with examples). Plus, browse our 150+ adjective Style Word Bank—the most comprehensive one out there, curated with men in mind.
From March 15-30, 2025, Hard As Nails is inviting men in the UK to paint their nails and take part in a research study on masculinity, confidence, and social norms....
From March 15-30, 2025, Hard As Nails is inviting men in the UK to paint their nails and take part in a research study on masculinity, confidence, and social norms....
This skirt-and-shoe combo might surprise you, but it works—and confidence is the key that ties it all together. Click the link below to view on Instagram: View this post on...
This skirt-and-shoe combo might surprise you, but it works—and confidence is the key that ties it all together. Click the link below to view on Instagram: View this post on...
2 Kommentare
Heh, wow – you caught so many more things. It’s almost like the illustrations were meant to be a ‘how many errors can you spot’ game. We haven’t even announced the prize yet 😅
Fun things to find in the pictures:
Man in a skirt. Man with women’s legs, pants, feet, and heels. Man with two white left hands and one black right hand. (Several people appear to have hands from different races, but the intent might have been shadows.) Man with lady legs wearing pants under a skirt. Woman with one heeled shoe and one (mens?) shoe and sock. Woman with two different kinds of shoes (no socks). Woman with at least part of a third leg. Man with three pants legs, but only two feet. Chairs floating above their bases. Happy woman sitting on top of a wall with no obvious way down while the screen says, “Alert”. Woman with one leg (at least two of these). Feet in heels seen under a desk, but no one is attached to them over the desk. Woman with a man’s lower half. Woman with one man leg and one woman leg (sitting down).