Les jupes sont coupées en fonction de l'anatomie masculine .
Si vous y réfléchissez, les jupes sont beaucoup plus adaptées à l’anatomie masculine, de la même manière que les pantalons semblent adaptés à l’anatomie féminine.
Our new Start Here menu item gives men a straightforward set of guides and other links for getting into skirts.
Find it in the main navigation or visit:
Our new Start Here menu item gives men a straightforward set of guides and other links for getting into skirts.
Find it in the main navigation or visit:
An amusing ad from Glenmorangie single malt whisky is making the rounds. Ford's reactions seem to come from a real western man being asked to try on a kilt for...
An amusing ad from Glenmorangie single malt whisky is making the rounds. Ford's reactions seem to come from a real western man being asked to try on a kilt for...