Baggy tops

Baggy tops

Tags: Style tips

Those new to skirts might not realize how important tops are to the outfit. While we're used to seeing fitted shirts or crop tops highlighting the A-shaped skirt silhouette, baggy tops offer a stylish alternative.

Why not just a regular men's t-shirt? Most skirts should be worn at or above the naval, so while an untucked tee meets near the waistline of pants, they sit at an awkward height for skirts. 

Long or baggy tops extend past this awkward in-between.

When paired with large skirts, they can flow with their movement or smooth out an A-shape. For mini skirts, they can create an interesting masc/fem hybrid look.

They're comfortable.

And long tops cover the male bulge, if that's preferred. 


Check out examples pictured below:

Embed from Getty Images

Brad Pitt at his Bullet Train movie premiere.






Male bodied person wearing a long white tee that extends below waist, with orange/red/brown striped miniskirt, and long black underwear underneath.
Long white tee over miniskirt. From Black Tights: The Timeless Workhorse

Male bodied person posing in a black miniskirt with metal studs, red umbrella pattern leggings, shoes, and a maroon sweater over top of a long/torn/baggy purple button shirt.

Male bodied person wearing a flowy, multi-layer red top with a black pattern, that extends below the waist, over a red and black thick wool skirt, with brown tights. Post is in a slight spin, with fabric dancing outward.

What are your skirt top tips? Leave a comment below ⤵️

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